Greetings from Mr. & Mrs. Horiuchi,
the Japanese online shop owners of
Pheylonian Beeswax Candles!

A little more than three years ago, we accidentally came across upon Pheylonian Beeswax Candles on the Internet. It was apparent from the digital pics that these candles were something very special. Without second thoughts, we became a distributor anxious to find out how many others would feel the same way. We are happy to share with you just a small portion of comments that we have received recently from our customers in Japan.

Thank you!  - Yoko Nakano, Osaka Prefecture

I burn your candles every day. I love the texture, the scent, and the light; they all feel so warm and nostalgic and fill the room with pure energy. I enjoy watching the flames dancing in response to the subtle vibrations of music, people, and the ambience. I also find pleasure in "rearing" the candles by trimming, hugging, recycling leftover wax, etc. It is an endearing part of my everyday life now.
I am anxious to try a Reactohr.

Storyteller Candle  - H.N. Yukipi, Niigata Prefecture

As a volunteer storyteller, I visit a local elementary school once a month to tell stories for children in the school library during lunch recess.
After the cleaning period, children would come to the library and sit around me. I declare the opening of the recital by lighting what we call a "storyteller candle." The program usually consists of reading of picture books and storytelling in keeping with the season. I, along with the little ones, drift into the fantasy world for half an hour or so.
At the end, I'd say "That's all for today. Let's put out the storyteller candle." I'd ask a child whose birthday is the closest to that day and let him/her blow the candle out (*Note 1). All other kids would hold their breath and watch intently as if to witness how a wish made to a blown out candle would be granted. Once the fire is out, they regain their mischievous faces and rush out to the hallway.
I always burn the Tear of Isis donated by for my volunteer work. The only thing I don't like about it is that it lasts for so many hours that I cannot buy another one any time soon. I am not even halfway through!

*Note 1: We all know that we should never "blow out" beeswax candles. However, since "blowing out" is an important ritual in this case, we asked Ms. Yukipi to dunk the wick in the pool immediately afterwards.

Stylish interior decoration - Miyuki Nakabayashi, Mie Prefecture

Perhaps because it's Christmas season again, I took out and lighted my EF9 that I hadn't done so in months. With a soft reddish flame gently flickering besides me, I am writing this email to you.
To be honest, I have burned only three of the several candles that I had purchased over a year ago, as I didn't have the heart to destroy their beautiful shapes.
I placed the Reactohr Mini in the entrance hall of our new house. Despite its name "Mini," many of our house guests are amazed by its size and admire the unique shape. Last summer, we enjoyed having dinner in our little balcony by the burning MiniLites.

*Note 2: Ms. Nakabayashi purchased from us a number of candles in various sizes and shapes when she and her husband built a new house. Although we generally believe that the effects of Pheylonian beeswax candles are most powerfully felt when burning, the pictures she sent us certainly show that they could be great interior decoration as well.

Simply Enchanting!  - Masaharu Takao, Ph. D of chemical engineering, Kyushu University

Ms. Horiuchi introduced me to Canadian beeswax candles for my meditation practice, as well as for scientific experiment. In our joint names, we published the result of my experiment at the 11th Conference on Human Body Science at Kansai University on November 23-24, 2001 (pp.41-42, "The 11th Human Body Science Forum in Suita") . In the experiment, I used three different types of candles made respectively of paraffin, sumach tree wax, and Canadian beeswax and compared how the flames would behave and respond to the meditator's mental state. The beeswax candle was vibrating and bobbing virtually "spontaneously" throughout the experiment, whereas the other two candles only vibrated when the meditator directed "chi" energy toward them. Ms. Horiuchi also told me that beeswax candles would work as a humidifier as well . This could provide another supporting evidence for my "Chi Approximately Equals Quantized Water Hypothesis (*3)."

*Note 3: Being no scientist, I don't dare to explain what "quantized water" is, but I am interpreting it as water in a state that is more minute and subtler than molecular/atomic levels. You can view Dr. Takao's revolutionary hypotheses, innovative experiments, and applied technologies (in Japanese unfortunately) by clicking here.

Random thoughts...   - Yuka Kimura, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture

・ When I look into the candlelight, I become less and less talkative and oblivious to the passage of time. At one time, I spent three hours sitting in front of a candle doing nothing ..... the medicative effect is very powerful.

・ My favorite is to burn a candle in my bedroom before taking a bath. I'd tell the candle to be a good girl and burn gently and then soak in a tub for a leisurely hour (*Note 4). When I return to the room, I breathe in the air that has been refreshed and purified by negative ions. I love it! I have to be careful though, as every once in a while the candle becomes fretful and gives out smoke when I am not taking good care of her.

・ I do healing work. Whether or not I burn these candles during healing sessions makes a big difference. They support my work a great deal. I take them with me wherever I go on a business trip.

・ They'd always alert me when they are about to melt down by saying "Hey, isn't is about time that you pay us some attention?" If I ignore the voice thinking I was just imagining, I'd be sorry. The catastrophe does occur! (smile)

*Note 4: Never leave a burning candle unattended!

Lighting takes a little practice - H.N. Mayo, Okinawa Prefecture

I followed the instruction and kept the wick at about 5 mm. The size of the flame looked just right and beautiful. I love the subtle aroma too; it is so relaxing. Although I cannot see negative ions, I can tell that they are cleansing the air. I shorten the wick mostly by "hugging" the candle. I like the soft feel of it. It's not hard work at al!
Ever since my beeswax candle arrived, I burn it almost every day for three hours or so. (Ms. Horiuchi was right about recommending me a Temple Lite instead of a Castle Glo, saying on the phone "People would say they burn candles for only one hour or less. But with these guys, 2 - 3 hours will pass easily before you know it.") I am almost finished with my gold TL5, so I am ordering two more in butterscotch and dark brown. After I try three different colors, I plan to purchase bigger ones.

Thanks to for introducing these wonderful candles to Japan!

Describing the indescribable   - Yuko Okamoto, Therapist/Reiki Master, Kyoto Prefecture

I love the warmth and the sacred energy of the beeswax candles. I also love the fact that people with certain sensibility feel 'something indescribable' about these candles.

I offer healing sessions and seminars daily at a small therapy space in Kyoto. Before each session, I prepare the room with particular music, essential oils, plants, flowers, crystals, etc. selected for each client so that healing begins to take place the moment he/she enters the room. A beeswax candle is an essential element for creating such a special space. When a candle is burning, I notice the energy of the room suddenly attune to an elevated level. It is like receiving blessings from angels and spirit guides.

The subtle aroma of beeswax wakes up divinity within us.
During group meditation, for which I always burn Pheylonian candles, some people experience encounters with angels and spirit guides when they turn their attention to the candle's scent. Mother Nature sure works like magic.

Pheylonian beeswax candles are becoming quite popular among my therapy clients and seminar participants. It is amusing to see how these candles naturally attract some people's attention.

*Note 5: Ms. Okamoto has sent us a very interesting picture of her space with a burning EF9. You can see a haze coming out of the flame that looks like a figure of a woman. If you look at it closely, you will see two sets of eyes, which could look like Holy Mother and Child looking down at the candlelight. Is it just a coincidence that the photo was taken on Christmas Eve?

Exciting connection  - N.H. Louis, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture

The other day, I coincidentally landed on your web site and instantly thought "This is it!" I ordered three candles on the spot, which arrived safely at my door the next day. Now, I am hooked! The texture, warmth, aroma, etc. are all very wonderful and do not compare to any other candles I had ever seen before. They are certainly the hottest items of the year for me.
I work as a porcelain artist. I often struggle to maintain my concentration on detailed work. Burning a beeswax candle beside my worktable certainly helps me to relax. I really like the feel of it. After putting the flame out, I'd place my palms around (and, when nobody is looking, snuggle up to) the candle that is still warm - it is like holding hands with someone very dear to me.

*Note 6: Ms. Louis' porcelain art can be viewed here.

Reactohr - a reliable 'teammate'   - Kimiaki Hino, Civic Hospice Fukuoka

We use a Reactohr mostly in our office when we hold various gatherings and important meetings. We often discuss topics that are rather heavy. But burning a Reactohr always does the trick to soften the air and lighten people's hearts. It also helps us make decisions. Though it may sound odd, the Reactohr seems to glow and sparkle especially when we are talking about issues related to "life." At home, I burn Castle Glow and other smaller candles, which I also like. But I think the Reactohr has a significantly greater influence on people and its surroundings.

For hospice patients, we mostly use votive candles to burn at their bedsides. The candlelight brings warmth and comfort, which desolate sickrooms often need. It is a relief to see their faces brighten up, making me feel fortunate to have found these great candles.

For our wedding ceremony and important events  - Kenji & Rie, Shizuoka Prefecture

I am writing to let you know how the beeswax candles that my loving husband had discovered on the Internet made our wedding ceremony an unforgettable one. Prior to the event, we practiced lighting the candles. My family and I were touched by the loving energy of the handmade artifacts. To further enhance their beauty and delight, my mother decided to decorate the candles by arranging around them tree branches, plants, berries, and seasonal flowers, all of which came from her garden to convey her wishes for a happy fruitful marriage to us.

Please look at the enclosed photo. The candles and the flowers look great together, don't they? We received a lot of complements during and after the reception, which went on for four hours. The event was complemented by lots of hearty handmade things, and the lighting of the main candle was just the right thing to do to bring it to a moving climax.

We plan to burn the Reactohr on our anniversaries and other important occasions to remember the wedding day and to add more memories of our new lives together. It has become such a special memento for us that we will cherish it for many years to come.

A brief comment   - Tomohiro Watanabe, Gifu Prefecture

There is something out of the ordinary about these candles. I cannot imagine using any other candles now. I notice that I've become less susceptible to cold. When I go to sleep after burning the candle, my sore throat would be gone the next morning.

*Note 7: Never attempt to cure your cold by burning beeswax candles, as they are not medical devices :-)

"Candlelight whispering"  - Yoko Ando, Osaka Prefecture

Ever since I found Pheylonian beeswax candles, my whole collection of 'other' candles have been completely thrown out of work.
The flame that gently moistens the air, the sweet yet refreshing aroma, and the mystical presence with a life of its own never cease to intrigue me.
Every time I light my candle, my eyes get glued to the candlelight, which one day inspired me to create a picture book.
It's a little Christmas story to be read by the candlelight.
I am sending you a copy, as I wanted to share this first with you two, as well as with Iilah and Tawlia.

*Note 8: What a perfect gift to receive on Christmas! Mrs. Horiuchi was so impressed by Ms. Ando's heartwarming book that she immediately began translating it into English, to which Mr. Horiuchi was prompt to write music... and voila! a beautiful Christmas song! As some of you may know, we have been composing and rendering original songs for the last 1.5 years and wanted to create a piece that would convey the true Christmas spirit, though we weren't quire sure what that meant. Her book was the answer. The combination of the illustrations, music, and the flickering light of a pure beeswax candle is so wonderful that we decided to share this"Christmas gift set" with others. We will publish both Japanese and English versions in limited quantity for the Christmas 2003. We will keep you posted on the progress, so please stay tuned!